6th Grade Report Card (pdf file)
Classroom Rules:
1. Keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself.
2. Kind words are to be used at all times.
3. Follow directions the first time.
4. Listen quietly when others are talking.
5. Change tasks quickly and quietly.
6. Treat all personal and classroom property with respect.
**Student Stamp Card: Individual students that continue to make good choices throughout the day can earn stamps on their Stamp Card. Prizes are awarded for 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 stamps collected. Stamp cards can be redeemed when filled or saved for better prizes. These prizes are:
10 stamps |
sticker |
20 stamps | pencil |
30 stamps | prize from prize box |
40 stamps | 15 minutes of extra computer time |
50 stamps | lunch in the classroom with a friend and the teacher |
HOMEWORK: Homework will be sent home every day except Fridays. It is always due the next day unless I have told them to work on a project that might take longer. If it is not returned the student will HAVE TO make it up during L.O.L. (Learning Opportunity at Lunch), unless they have a note from a parent stating why it was not returned.
VOCABULARY: Vocabulary words will be sent home on Monday and need to be studied throughout the week for the test on Friday. This needs to be made a priority at least twice a week at home.
READING: Reading is also a high priority in our class. For your child to improve their reading it is required that they read at least 30 minutes at home EACH night. They will have a reading log that will need to be signed each night verifying that they did their reading. Students that don’t make this a priority at home will find it hard to make the improvement needed to be “at grade level”.
GRADES - (Engrade Online): Students and parents will be able to access their grades online using the site www.engrade.com . Please check in regularly to see what grades you have and which assignments are missing so you can make them up as soon as possible.
Daily Schedule: